Launceston TAS postcode
Postcode of LAUNCESTON (TAS) is 7250. Below you can find map of LAUNCESTON, or look up other postcodes in Tasmania or other Australian states. If LAUNCESTON's postcode is duplicated, and other places have same postal code number, you can use our postcode searcher by number 7250.
LAUNCESTON have more then one postcode. List of all LAUNCESTON's postcodes: 7250, 7901, 7902, 7903, 7904, 7905, 7906, 7907, 7908, 7909, 7922, 7923.
Notice: Postcodes in TAS with range from 7800—7999 (LVRs and PO Boxes only)
Launceston in Tasmania state on the map:
Weather in LAUNCESTON - Launceston Weather
Launceston Current Conditions
(Mon, 31 Mar 2025 11:00:00 GMT)
Temperature: 14.0°C
Dew Point: 8.2°C
Relative Humidity: 68%
Wind Speed: 18.5km/h
Wind Gusts: 27.8km/h
Wind Direction: SSE
Pressure: 0.0hPa
Rain Since 9AM: 0.0mm
Launceston Forecast
(Mon, 31 Mar 2025 11:00:00 GMT)
Mostly Sunny. Cool.
8 - 21
Morning Clouds. Cool.
6 - 23
Mostly Sunny. Cool.
8 - 22